Taylor Crawford

Long Beach, California, USA

Taylor was first a singer-songwriter before she fell in love with developing singers. While discovering her giftedness for teaching, she was writing and releasing music, performing all over the Southern California region, and taking classes at a local community college. Her studio, The Brave Voice, represents the evolution of a young woman who has pursued a career in music despite her fears and adversities. She has gone on to successfully teach & develop singers from all walks of life and musical experiences from professionals to complete beginners. Taylor’s method is informed by her extensive experience as a singer and performer but more importantly her compassion for students who struggle with believing in their voice. Learn more about Taylor’s story here: https://www.thebravevoice.com/taylorstory

ViP is a global network of elite voice professionals, including singing teachers, vocal coaches, songwriters, producers, music industry professionals, speech and language practitioners, ENT’s and laryngologists.